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Receptive (Understanding) Langauge
What is receptive (understanding) language?
Receptive language - the understanding of language -
is the ability to understand words and language. It
involves gaining information and meaning from:
1. Routine (e.g. i have finished getting dressed
so now it is time to eat breakfast);
2. Visual Information (e.g. a red light means stop);
3. Sounds (e.g. a siren means an ambulance is driving nearby);
4. Words (e.g. the word basketball means something round that we
5. Concepts (e.g. shapes, colors, time, plural, tense, etc);
6. Written information (e.g. signs such as Do Not Cross) and stories).
Receptive (understanding) language includes:
Following instructions
Understanding concepts
Understanding grammatical elements
Understanding sentence structure
Understanding questions
Understanding stories and written.
How can I tell if my child has problems with receptive language?
Has difficulty attending and listening to language.
Does not pay attention
Does not follow multiple directions, as compared to his peers; or requires several prompts and repetitions
Responds to questions by repeating what you say instead of giving an answer.
Finds it difficult to listen to stories.
Gives unusual answers to questions.
May demonstrate disruptive behaviors
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