Behavior Management
Behavior management is exactly as it sounds, how adults manage a child’s behavior whether it is age appropriate, socially appropriate or not. The adults management of the child’s behavior is essential in maintaining order and structure in the lives of busy families (and classrooms), as well as setting children up for success. Adults being persistent and consistent are the fundamental requirements of a successful behavior management plan. Importantly adults should only put strategies in place that they can and do follow through on.
The importance of behavior management:
Effective and consistent behavior management of challenging behavior by the adult is important because:
Health and quality of life: Challenging behavior may seriously affect a child’s and adult’s (parent or carer) health and quality of life.
Reduce risk: Some risks associated with challenging behavior include self-injurious behavior (including ingestion or inhalation of foreign bodies, hitting the head on a hard surface or throwing the body on the floor) can result in serious injuries. Accidental injury is also a common issue in children with aggressive behavior, for the child in question, surrounding children and most commonly for the involved adults as they seek to prevent the child harming themselves and others.
Dietary deficiencies: Oppositional behavior may result in dietary deficiencies, weight loss or gross obesity.
Social isolation: Challenging behavior can often lead to social isolation of both the adult and child.
Reduce mental health issues: Research also suggests that lack of social skills can lead to loneliness and depression from an early age.
Appropriate behavior is necessary to support entry to most preschool and school settings, as well as other typical children's’ experiences such as peer parties, swimming lessons, christmas concerts etc.
Behavior management difficulties can lead to?
Little progress in their behavior
Ill-intended reinforcement to the child of their
inappropriate behavior
Increased peer rejection and social isolation from peers,
siblings, and adults
A broadening gap in their academic and social progress
Poor self esteem and the self perception
Difficulties following instructions from others in a position
of authority or in the family
Poor academic outcomes.